Book Club Questions
- Describe Faith Countryman’s childhood home. How important were her relationships with her family members?
- Where do you think all of Faith’s strong beliefs about healing came from? Were they taught in the home, at church, by life’s experiences, or did they come from within?
- How would you describe Tag Barone’s influence on Faith’s circumstances and decisions? How did her relationship with him impact her entire future? How did it affect her faith?
- Choose three adjectives that describe Faith at the critical point in her life when she decided to leave Santa Monica and return to her family home. Which of these words would you use to describe yourself at a pivotal time in your life?
- What one word would you use to depict the relationship between Faith and Quarters?
- When Faith moves to Cross Creek, she steps into her destiny and begins to fulfill her purpose in life. Have you ever had a similar experience in your own life?
- Which one of the healing scenes was most interesting to you? Would you describe it as a physical healing, an emotional healing, or a spiritual healing?
- Which location in Faith Countryman appealed most to you? Was in rural life on a family ranch in Modesto? Apartment living near the beach in Santa Monica? Or, the Victorian residence in the small town of Cross Creek in the foothills of Northern California?
- Which of the seven Testimony characters that gave his or her first-person point-of-view could you best relate to? Who seemed to be hurting most? Was it physical, emotional, or spiritual pain?
- How did Faith’s presence in Cross Creek and the Revival at The Church On The High Hill bring everyone in town together?
- What kind of feelings, if any, did Harley Stone and Faith Countryman have for each other when they met? How did their relationship evolve by the end of the summer? How did it change by the end of the book?
- What adjectives would you use to describe Samantha Stone?
- What was the “book within a book” that Hugh Spano created in Faith Countryman? How was his journalistic writing and photography used to capture the essence of Revival summer in Cross Creek? For the characters in town? For you, the reader?
- Is there one scene or a group of scenes in Faith Countryman that particularly spoke to you? On what level? Humorous? Nostalgic? Realistic? Spiritual?
- What, if anything, will you take away from this novel or hope to remember?